The following reports may be of interest internally, or to other Agriculture Experiment Stations, and to the general public.
CARET reports...
The Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET) is a national grassroots organization created in 1982 by the Division of Agriculture, which is part of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. CARET's mission is to enhance national support and understanding of the land-grant university system's food and agricultural research, extension and teaching programs to achieve a better standard of living for all people. These annual reports are prepared for College and Extension administrators along with CARET delegates to advocate on the behalf their land-grant programs.
Annual Report of Accomplishments...
Each state Agriculture Experiment Station must submit an annual college report. These reports have changed over the past few years, as more focus has been placed on reporting outcomes and impacts of research and extension.
Plans of Work (POWs)...
Each state Agriculture Experiment Station is required to write and update a 5-year, rolling Plan of Work. This reflects current and planned research projects and extension programs. The POW is not exhaustive, rather, it represents significant plans, based on the state's critical issues. which have been identified by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
The Current Research Information System (CRIS) provides data and reports on NIFA’s research, education and extension activities. By using the search interface on the CRIS website, users can obtain reports that describe NIFA-funded project objectives, methods, and outcomes.
Who Uses This Tool
Primary CRIS users include NIFA grant recipients, land-grant universities and other partner institutions, cooperating state institutions, other federal agencies, and internal NIFA staff. Information contained in the CRIS database is accessible to the public through the CRIS website.
How to Use the Tool
Users can view and download reports and data by using either of two search interfaces on the CRIS website: Assisted Search and Professional Search. Instructions and help screens may be displayed to assist users in searching for projects of interest. Additional links on the CRIS home page direct users to manuals, prepared reports, and other resources.