Agriculture Experiment Station (AES) contacts
Administrative Support
As the director and associate director of the Agriculture Experiment Station, Dan and Danny plan, approve and oversee research that is supported in part with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the State of Iowa
As the director and associate director of the Agriculture Experiment Station, Dan and Danny plan, approve and oversee research that is supported in part with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the State of Iowa
- Associate Director, Experiment Station
- Associate Dean for Research and Discovery
College Research Support
As support staff for the Agricultural Experiment Station, Ásrún and Hannah assist CALS research faculty in fulfilling the requirement that they participate on a Hatch project—a five-year plan of research with related reports. This AES research support team also compiles an Iowa State University Combined Research and Extension Annual Report of Accomplishments and Results report and a rolling five-year Plan of Work to USDA/NIFA. More information about the support we provide to faculty researchers can be found on the faculty resources page.
As support staff for the Agricultural Experiment Station, Ásrún and Hannah assist CALS research faculty in fulfilling the requirement that they participate on a Hatch project—a five-year plan of research with related reports. This AES research support team also compiles an Iowa State University Combined Research and Extension Annual Report of Accomplishments and Results report and a rolling five-year Plan of Work to USDA/NIFA. More information about the support we provide to faculty researchers can be found on the faculty resources page.
- AES Project Coordinator
- CALS Research Development Lead
Financial Support
Janet Brodie and Jordan Gillespie provide a vast amount of support for CALS leadership, faculty, and staff, including budget support. Regarding AES, Janet manages travel reimbursement for faculty attending annual meetings of multi-state research groups. She also manages AES research project effort reporting and AES financial reporting to USDA/NIFA.
Janet Brodie and Jordan Gillespie provide a vast amount of support for CALS leadership, faculty, and staff, including budget support. Regarding AES, Janet manages travel reimbursement for faculty attending annual meetings of multi-state research groups. She also manages AES research project effort reporting and AES financial reporting to USDA/NIFA.