- Hatch Regular Projects
- Hatch Multistate Projects
- Animal Health Projects
- McIntire-Stennis Projects
Contact Lynn Laws with questions, 515-294-4544.
Hatch Regular Projects
- Peer reviewed Hatch project proposal. TEMPLATE_Hatch project proposal.doc
- Completion of Project Initiation on-line via REEport
Hatch Multistate Projects
- Membership on and active contribution to a Multistate Research Committee (documented in NIMSS)
- Completion of Project Initiation on-line via REEport
Animal Health Projects: Administered in the Department of Animal Science
The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, as amended by the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981, provides funding for research to animal health allocated by formula to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and State Agriculture Experiment Stations (SAES). The Act specifies that animal research should:
- Promote the general welfare through improved health and productivity of domestic livestock, poultry, aquatic animals, and other income-producing animals essential to the nation's food supply and the welfare of producers and consumers of animal products
- Improve the health of horses
- Facilitate the effective treatment of and, where possible, prevent animal and poultry diseases in both domesticated and wild animals which, if not controlled, would be disastrous to the United States livestock and poultry industries and endanger the Nation's food supply;
- Minimize livestock and poultry losses due to transportation and handling;
- Protect human health through control of animal diseases transmissible to humans;
- Improve methods of controlling the birth of predators and other animals
- Otherwise to promote the general welfare through expanded programs of research and extension to improve animal health.
- Reponse to a periodic call for proposals in the Department of Animal Science
- Peer reviewed Project Proposal. TEMPLATE_Hatch project proposal.doc
- Completion of Project Initiation on-line via REEport
McIntire-Stennis Projects: Administered in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
The McIntire-Stennis Act (PL 87-788) provides for an annual allocation of funds through NIFA for support of research related to forestry, including urban, problems. The basic purpose of the Act is to "establish research in forestry as a definite and specific part of the agricultural research programs carried out cooperatively by USDA and the land-grant colleges." The Act more specifically defines forestry research as including "investigations relating to:
- Reforestation and management of land for production of timber and related products of the forest, management of forest and related watershed lands to improve conditions of waterflow and protect resources against floods and erosions;
- Management of forest and related rangeland for domestic livestock and game and improvement of food and habitat for wildlife;
- Protection of forest land and resources;
- Utilization of wood and other forest products;
- And such other studies as may be necessary to obtain the fullest and most effective use of forest resources.
- Peer reviewed Project Proposal. TEMPLATE_McIntire-Stennis project proposal.doc
- Completion of Project Initiation on-line via REEport