Annual Reports: Products


Identify the standard products/outputs that have been achieved during this reporting period. This includes only publications, patents, and applications for plant variety protection (PVP). You will report other types of products/outputs on the "Other Products" page.

1.  Publications:

Report only the major publication(s) resulting from the work under this project/award. If this is NOT the first report you've submitted, do not include publications already included in any previously submitted progress report(s). There is no restriction on the number. However, agencies are interested in only those publications that most reflect the work under this project/award. See definitions below for the categories of publications.

Publication Definitions:

Publications are the characteristic product of research. Agencies evaluate what the publications demonstrate about the excellence and significance of the research and the efficacy with which the results are being communicated to colleagues, potential users, and the public, not the number of publications.

Journal publications: Peer-reviewed articles or papers appearing in scientific, technical, or professional journals. Include any peer-reviewed publication in the periodically published proceedings of a scientific society, a conference, or the like. A publication in the proceedings of a one-time conference, not part of a series, should be reported under “Books or other non-periodical, one-time publications.”

Books or other non-periodical, one-time publications: Any book, monograph, dissertation, abstract, or the like published as or in a separate publication, rather than a periodical or series. Include any significant publication in the proceedings of a one-time conference or in the report of a one-time study, commission, or the like.

Other publications, conference papers and presentations: Identify any other publications, conference papers and/or presentations not reported above.

2.  Patent(s) and Plant Variety Protection(s) (PVP)

Identify inventions for which patents or plant variety protection (PVP) has been or will be sought. Include patent/PVP applications that have been filed with the patent or PVP office for more than 18 months. Include the date of application for an award of patent /PVP protection and/or licenses that have resulted from the research. Submission of this information as part of this Progress Report is not a substitute for any other invention reporting required under the terms and conditions of any award.

3.  Other Products

Enter the significant products/outputs achieved during the project duration as a result of the project's research, extension or education activities. NIFA considers the terms “products” and “outputs” to be synonymous. Do not include publications, patents, and plant variety protection applications; those should be included only on the "Products" page of this Progress Report.

Other Products/Outputs are activities, events, services, and products that reach people.

  • Activities include: conducting and analyzing experiments or surveys, assessments, facilitating, teaching, or mentoring.
  • Events include: conferences, demonstration sites, field days, symposia, workshops, and trainings.
  • Services include: consulting, counseling, and tutoring.
  • Products include: audio or video products; curricula; data or databases; equipment or instruments; models; networks and/or collaborations fostered by the project or activity; physical collections or resources, new animal germplasm, or genetic maps; software; technology, methods, or techniques; train-the-trainer manuals; website(s) with the appropriate URL(s); information, skills, and technology for individuals, communities, and programs; or students graduated in agricultural sciences.